Doç. Dr. Selçuk Demir



+90 374 254 1000 - 5831


Çalışma alanları

Zemin Sıvılaşması, Zemin İyileştirmesi, Nümerik Analiz, Saha Tepki Analizi, Laboratuvar Model Deneyleri

 Uluslararası Makaleler // International Articles

  1. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. The effectiveness of data pre-processing methods on the performance of machine learning techniques using RF, SVR, Cubist and SGB: a study on undrained shear strength prediction.  Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  2. Demir, A., Sahin, E.K and Demir, S. Advanced tree-based machine learning methods for predicting the seismic response of regular and irregular RC frames. Structures (2024).
  3. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. Assessing the predictive capability of DeepBoost machine learning algorithm powered by hyperparameter tuning methods for slope stability prediction. Environmental Earth Sciences 82 (23), 562 (2023).
  4. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. Application of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for slope stability prediction by handling outliers of the dataset. Earth Sci Inform (2023).
  5. Sahin, E.K., Demir, S. Greedy-AutoML: A Novel Greedy-Based Stacking Ensemble Learning Framework for Assessing Soil Liquefaction Potential. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Volume 119, March 2023, 105732. DOI: 10.1016/j.engappai.2022.105732.
  6. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. Predicting Occurrence of Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading Using Gradient Boosting Algorithms Integrated with Particle Swarm Optimization: PSO-XGBoost, PSO-LightGBM, and PSO-CatBoost. Acta Acta Geotechnica.  18, 3403–3419 (2023).
  7. Ari, A., Demir, S., Ozener, P. Examining the Role of Liquefiable Layer Thickness and Depth on the Seismic Lateral Response of Piles through Numerical Analyses”. International Journal of Geomechanics, 23(5), (2023). 10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-8143
  8. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. An investigation of feature selection methods for soil liquefaction prediction based on tree-based ensemble algorithms using AdaBoost, gradient boosting, and XGBoost. Neural Comput & Applic (2022).
  9. Demir, S. “Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Ground Motion Characteristics on the Seismic Behavior of Liquefiable Soil”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2022.
  10. Demir, S., Sahin, E.K. Liquefaction prediction with robust machine learning algorithms (SVM, RF, and XGBoost) supported by genetic algorithm-based feature selection and parameter optimization from the perspective of data processing. Environ Earth Sci 81, 459 (2022).
  11. Demir, S., Özener, P. Effect of shear strain compatibility and incompatibility approaches in the design of high modulus columns against liquefaction: A case study in Christchurch, New Zealand. Bulletin of Earthquake Enginnering (2022). Link 
  12. Demir, S., Sahin, E. K. "Comparison of tree-based machine learning algorithms for predicting liquefaction potential using canonical correlation forest, rotation forest, and random forest based on CPT data". Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 154, 107130 (2022). Link  
  13. Demir S., Özener P., (2020). " Parametric Investigation of Effectiveness of High Modulus Columns in Liquefaction Mitigation", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 139, 1-15, [SCI]. Link
  14. Demir S., Özener P., (2019). "Numerical Investigation of Seismic Performance of High Modulus Columns under Earthquake Loading", Earthquake Engineering and Engıneering Vibration, 18(4), 811-822, [SCI-E].Link
  15. Demir S., Özener P., (2019). "Sıvılaşmanın UBC3D-PLM Model ile Tahmin Edilmesi: Santrifüj Deneyi Örneği", Teknik Dergi, 30(5), 9421-9442, [SCI-E]. Link
  16. Demir S., Özener P., and Kirkit M., (2017). "Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Behavior of Rammed Aggregate Piers", Geotechnical Testing Journal, 40(3), 411-425, [SCI]. Link

  Ulusal Makaleler // National Articles

  1. Demir, S. (2021). Numerical assessment of the performance of different constitutive models used to predict liquefiable soil behavior. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal5(2), 260-267. Link
  2. Demir, S. (2021). Effect of Groundwater Level on Site Response Behavior of a One-Layered Liquefiable Soil. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi9(3), 796–808. Link

 Konferans Bildirileri // Conference Proceedings

  1. Demir, S., Sahin, E. K. "Random Forest Importance-Based Feature Ranking and Subset Selection for Slope Stability Assessment using the Ranger Implementation ". Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi , (2023) ICFAR 2023 , 23-28 . DOI: 10.31590/ejosat.1254337
  2. Demir, S., Şahin, E. K. "Evaluation of Oversampling Methods (OVER, SMOTE, and ROSE) in Classifying Soil Liquefaction Dataset based on SVM, RF, and Naïve Bayes". Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (2022 ) 34:142-147. Link 
  3. Demir, S., Şahin, E. K. "Assessment of Feature Selection for Liquefaction Prediction Based on Recursive Feature Elimination". Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (2021 ) 28:290-294. Link 
  4. Demir S., Özener P., (2019). "Yüksek Modüllü Kolonlarla İyileştirilmiş Bir Zeminin Sıvılaşma Potansiyelinin İncelenmesi", 8. Uluslararası Geoteknik Sempozyumu, 13 -15 Kasım 2019, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  5. Demir S., Özener P., and Aydın C., (2019). "The Influence of Improved Soil Zone on Liquefaction Response", 7th. International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (VII ICEGE), Rome, Italy
  6. Demir S., Özener P., (2018). "Comparison of Seismic Performance of High Modulus Columns in Liquefiable Soils", Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics V, 4(1), 160-169, Austin, USA.
  7. Demir S., Özener P., (2017). "Estimation of Liquefaction with UBC3D-PLM Model: A Centrifuge Test Example", 7th. Geotechnical Symposium with International Participation, 1(1), 667-676, İstanbul, Turkey.
  8. Demir S., Özener P., (2017). "Determination of Seismic Performance of High Modulus Columns in Liquefiable Soils", 3rd International Conference on Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III), Vancouver, Canada.
  9. Demir S., Mokarram F.R., and Özener P., (2016). "The Sustainable Design of Granular Columns Based on Laboratory Model Tests", Geo-Chicago Conference-Sustainability, Energy, and the Environment (Geo-Chicago), 271, 893-903, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 
  10. Mokarram F.R., Demir S., and Özener P., (2015). "An Experimental Study on The Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregates in Stone Columns for Sustainable Design", International Conference of Soft Ground Engineering, 427-435, Singapore.
  11. Demir S., Kurtoğlu M., Özener P., and Akgüner C., (2014). "Comparison of Behavior of Stone Columns and Rammed Aggregate Piers Based On Laboratory Model Tests", International Civil Engineering & Architecture Symposium for Academicians, 1, 126-136, Antalya, Turkey.

Ulusal Bildiriler // National Proceedings

  1. Gülen M., Demir S., Coşkun U., Coşandal A. ve Akbulut A., (2022). "Kum Zeminlerin Ara Yüzey Sürtünme Açılarının Belirlenmesi", Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 18. Ulusal Konferansı, s: 11-17, 29-30 Eylül 2022, Kayseri.
  2. Demir S., Mokarram F.R., ve Özener P., (2016). "Geri Dönüştürülmüş Beton Agregalar ile Oluşturulmuş Rijit Kolonların Performansı", Zemin Mekaniği ve Geoteknik Mühendisliği 16. Ulusal Kongresi, cilt.2, 925-932, 13-14 Ekim 2016, Erzurum.
  3. Demir S., Kurtoğlu R., Akgüner C., ve Berilgen M.M., (2014), "Model Taş Kolonların Sayısal Analizi", Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, cilt.2, 631-640, 16-17 Ekim 2014, Ankara.
  4. Sabankaya R., Demir S., Özener P., ve Özaydin K., (2014). "Geri Dönüştürülmüş Beton Agregalarının Yüksek Modüllü Kolon Oluşturulmasında Kullanımının Model Deneylerle Araştırılması", Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği 15. Ulusal Kongresi, cilt.2, 715-724, 16-17 Ekim 2014, Ankara.
  5. Demir S., Özener P., ve Akgüner C., (2013). "Darbeli Taş Kolon-Zemin Yük Paylaşım Mekanizmasının Model Deneylerle İncelenmesi", 5. Geoteknik Sempozyumu, Adana, TÜRKİYE.
  6. Kirkit M., Demir S., Akgüner C., ve Kiliç H., (2012). "Sokeli Bir Fore Kazığın Sayısal ve Ampirik Analizi", Zemin Mekaniği ve Temel Mühendisliği 14. Ulusal Kongesi, 421-430, 4-5 Ekim 2012 Isparta.

Tezler // Thesis

  1. Demir, S., "Yüksek modüllü kolonlarla iyileştirilmiş sıvılaşabilir zeminlerin davranışının incelenmesi ", Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Doktora Tezi, 2019. 
  2. Demir, S., "Killi kum zeminler içinde oluşturulmuş darbeli taş kolonların davranışının model deneylerle incelenmesi", Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2013. 

Projeler // Projects

  1. BAPProje No: 2012-05-01-GEP03," Yumuşak Zeminler İçinde Oluşturulmuş Geopier Kolonlarının Davranışının Laboratuar Model Deneyleriyle İncelenmesi",2018.

Eğitim // Education

  • Doktora // Doctoral: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Geoteknik Anabilim Dalı (2019)
  • Yüksek Lisans // Master's: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, Geoteknik Anabilim Dalı (2013)
  • Lisans // Undergraduate: Selçuk Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü (2010)